
Inforgraphic: Long days, hot nights, riskier summer business

Long days, hot nights, riskier summer business
Image one: Patio season. A man slips on a spilled drink.
Patios are great for sun and fun, but that can also be good places to slip and fall. Protect your patio with general liability insurance.
Image two: For the love of ice cream. An ice cream vendor’s freezer breaks down.
While 90% of Canadians eat ice cream during the warm months, it’s safe to assume that 0% of Canadians prefer it to be wamr and melted. Protect your opration with buisness interruption insurance.
Image three: Calm before the storm. A vendor’s stall is blown down.
Setting up shop outside during the summer is great as long as you’re the one taking down your stall at the end of the day – not Mother Nature. Protect your products with commercial property insurance.
Image four: Beware of Bridezilla. A bride yells at a caterer.
Making the occasional mistake during a busy wedding season is reasonable. Bridezilla’s reaction? Not so much. Stay protected with Errors and Omissions insurance.
Image five: The grass isn’t always greener. A masked man steals a power tool.
Often times, there’s only one tool that can get a job done and sometimes that tool is worth thousands. If it gets stolen, you’ll be glad you have business property insurance.
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